Monday, October 26, 2009

Chinese Food Weekend.

Last weekend was a weekend filled with eating Chinese food. First we had Hot Pot Saturday night for Tanners 25th birthday celebration. Callista made it with Tanners help, it was very good. Then on Sunday morning we met my dad, grandpa, aunt, uncle, and Dan for Dim Sum down at the House of Hong in Chinatown. After that we went to a birthday/ baby welcoming party in Renton, where we had Chinese and Japanese food.

I bought Owen a new toy.

Tanner with mushrooms of some sort.

All the food to cook in the pots.



The Spicy Hot Pot.

Meat and Fish Ball Things.


Non Spicy Pot.


You just throw the food in and it cooks in the pot.

Then you grab it out and eat it.

Kim holding Owen.

Owen wanting Taiwan Beer.

Playing Rockband.

Lemon Cheesecake Cheri Made.

Make a wish.

Sunday Morning at Dim Sum.

Sally, Tom, and Grandpa Rick.

Tom meeting Owen for the first time.

Now were at the baby/birthday party.

Bachan holding Owen.

Jello filled oranges. To make I guess you just cut an orange in half then scoop out all the segments then fill with Jello, then cut in to slices.

Really good food.

Emi playing with Owen.

Owen and Baby Helen.

Jill and Helen.

Owen petting Helen.

Kristina crawling with Owen.

Singing happy birthday.

Emi, Kyle, and Joyce.

It was Julia's Great Uncles 90th Brithday.

Owen eating some cake.

9 Months Old!!!

As promised here is Owens 9 month old update, we just got back from the doctor where he got his normal flu shot (last Saturday he got the H1N1 one) Last Friday Owen turned 9 Months Old woo hoo!!!! He now eats most everything. He loves eating cheerio's and puff cereal. He is also starting to let go of things after he pulls himself up and stands on his own for 10 seconds or so. Sleeping has been better the past week, for a few days there he slept from 9 til 5:30. We are still letting him cry it out to sleep, he will only cry for a few minutes then lay down and pass out. Funny story; the other day I was putting Owen into his car seat and when you tighten the straps sometimes it squeezes the air out of him. So when I did this it sounded like he said "I Hate You."

Owen is now:
28.5 inches tall in the 58th percentile
48 cm. Head Circumference in the 98th percentile
22lbs. 10 0z. Weight 81st percentile

Just a reminder what he was back in July at 6 months old:
26.5 inches tall in the 52nd percentile
46 cm. Head Circumference in the 97th percentile
19 lbs. 12.75 0z. Weight 85th percentile