Thursday, July 30, 2009


Aly and Ben gave Owen this toy the other week. It is pretty hilarious to watch him try and hold on to it, since it vibrates and moves all around. In this video he starts sucking on one of the knobs.

Posted by John

He's Rocking

I think he will be crawling soon.

Posted by John

Push Ups With Owen

Do some push ups with Owen.

Posted by John

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Three Year Anniversary.

Last Wednesday was our Three Year Anniversary and to celebrate Jon and Cheri watched Owen for us last Saturday night, so we could get a night of no feedings and a chance to sleep in. It was nice with out the little guy, but we missed him and checked in about 5 times. We decided to have a picnic lunch down at the park by the Mukilteo Ferry. Then we went and saw the movie "The Hangover", which was hilarious. After the movie we came home and cooked a really good dinner.

Picnic on the beach.

Ham, Apple, and Brie Sandwiches.

Notice that Old Tan guy in the speedo above Julia's head.

Hanging out in the water.

Looking for Crabs.

Making Salads.

Marinated Tri Tip and Thai Chili Tiger Prawns.



Progressive Dinner Party

Yesterday we had a fun Progressive Dinner Party with the Nakagawara side of the family to celebrate Julie and Cheri's Birthdays. Here are the pictures from the event.

Ugh it was so hot out. 100 out in the sun.

Owen with Julie.

We first went to Kyle and Emi's house for appetizers and really good Mango Mojitos.


Glaring at flowers.

Here is a close up of the photo's on our fridge.

Here is a funny story with the Owen Cougar pictures. All the the Nakagawara's are die hard Husky fans and give me a hard time about being a Cougar. I made a photo strip of Owen in his Cougar outfit and secretly put a copy on all of their refrigerators throughout the night. Ha Ha Ha. And since Owen is so cute in his little outfit its not like they can throw it away.

Me putting one on Kyle and Emi's Fridge.

Emi actually noticed and said he was really cute,
but that she wanted to photoshop a Husky hat
on him (good luck with that one Emi).

Owen petting Buster and Mia. I think these are
the first dogs he has ever pet or at least tired to grab.

Grandpa Jon was holding Owen while he was petting the dogs and
went to try and put Owen on the back of Buster. But Buster moved and
Owen ended up getting bumped on the corner of a table. Ouchy!!!

Then we moved on to the Salad Course at Julie and CY's House.
They made a really good and beautiful salad.

CY and Julie getting things ready.

Ah Ha Ha Ha....

Relaxing on their deck.

Emi, Jon, CY, Kyle, Joyce, and Steve.

Then we went to Joyce and Steve's house for the
main course, which was a "Bobby Flay" chicken
reciepe that was really good.

John (me), Callista, Tanner, and Cheri.

Owen interested in a glass.

Emi and Owen.

Kyle and Owen

Ah Ha Ha Ha....

For the final Desert Course we went to Jon and Cheri's house
for build your own Ice Cream Sundaes. We didn't get many
pictures there cause we were dealing with Owen putting him to
bed and what not.

Owen eating the sink.

Posted by John

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Standing Pics

Here are some pictures that we took yesterday.

Owen likes to stand (not on his own yet though).

My Little Cougar.

Loves to look at Daddy.

Serious Pose.

Loves being a Cougar.

Julia took this one this morning.

Posted by John

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Six Months Old!!!

Today Owen is six months old, wow has it been half a year already. Some new things that people might not know is that: Owen is sleeping in his crib now, un-swaddled. I am sure Grandpa Jon will be thrilled with this news. Every time we were over there he would want to free Owen from his binding swaddle. He is also rolling around and dragging himself along like crazy, you can put him in one place and five minutes later he is across the room some how. He is also sleeping a lot longer now and better in the crib, he only wakes up once in the middle of the night. A couple of days ago he slep 8 hours straight, I was shocked. He is also starting to get a little more hair.

Owen is now:
26.5 inches tall in the 52nd percentile
46 cm. Head Circumference in the 97th percentile
19 lbs. 12.75 0z. Weight 85th percentile

Just a reminder what he was two months ago
24.5 inches tall in the 30th percentile
44 cm. Head Circumference in the 90th percentile
17 lbs. 1 0z. Weight 90th percentile

So he is a growing little boy.

Grabbing his Toes.

Eating food.

Rock Star

This is my favorite pose.

Posted by John