Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Aero Bed

Went to Costco today with my 30 dollar off coupon and fathers day Costco gift card from Jon and Cheri and got the Queen Size Aero Bed. This will make camping a lot more comfy. Owen looks so tiny on it.

Tummy Time on the Aero Bed.

Funny how Owen is just a head taller.

Yay!!! for Aero Bed

Posted by John

Monday, June 22, 2009

Five Months Old

Owen is Five Months Old today. He really like to roll over from his back to his front, I can't just leave him in the middle of the bed anymore. He also like to play with his toes while on his back. Last week we started having him sleep in his crib rather than his little reclined rocking chair, and the change has not been an easy one. He was waking up every two hours in the crib, but last night he actually slept pretty good for 3-4 hours. Taking the five month photos is getting harder and harder now that he like to grab everything. I had to hid the sign from him.

He likes to arch his back a lot.

Also he doesn't like pacifiers, but he does like sucking on his lower lip.

And his fingers.

Crib Jail.

Let me out.

He likes it.

Posted by John

Graduation Parties

Over the past two weeks we went to two graduation parties, one for my brother-in-law Tanner and the other for Julia's friend Rachael. Tanner graduated from UW (boo) with a double major in Physics and Astronomy, Julia and I are both very proud of him even if he is a Husky. Then Rachael graduated from Shorecrest High School. Here are some pictures from the events.

Waking up from a nap before we got ready.

Tanner commencement ceremony

Find Tanner

Pics after the ceremony

Way to go Tanner

Bath time

Party for Rachael's Graduation

That's Rachael in the middle of two very handsome gentlemen.

Julia's Friend Monica with Owen (Rachael's sister)

Hanging out in the Crib

Tanners Graduation Party

Owen's cousin Breya

I helped Cheri (Julia's Mom) make Tanner Cupcakes
and had a little too much fun making them look different.

Food at the party. It was all so very good.

Yummy cucumber shrimp salad.

Fried chicken wings are the best and the noodle salad was really good too.

Jon (Julia's Dad) made some killer BBQ Ribs.

Owen with Grandma Cary.

I can't believe I let him wear that sweatshirt ugh!
He's with auntie Emi (who is really a cousin).

Owen with Stephanie

Posted by John

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

I couldn't have asked for a better father for my child. Your patience, kindness, humor and love astound me everyday. We appreciate you so much and everything you do for us. Not every dad could stay home all day with their baby, clean the house, cook dinner and welcome me home with a smile. I know how lucky I am. Thank you so much for being the man that you are and for loving us so much. Happy Father's Day!!

Posted by Julia

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Paine Field Park

I wanted to check out this cool park I have drove by many times not to far from our condo. I really wanted to be a kid again so I could play on this cool equipment.

Crazy Geometric Climbing Thing.

This thing is a high tech merry-go-round.

Random kids playing.


UFO's have landed.