Owen is
24.5 inches tall in the 30th percentile
44 cm. Head Circumference in the 90th percentile
17 lbs. 1 0z. Weight 90th percentile
Getting a little taller, last time he was in the 25th percentile. Weight is still in the same percentile.
He is doing great and a lot of fun. He likes to talk, drool, laugh, jump in his jumper, go on walks, and stand up with help. He does not like to get into his car seat. Starting about two weeks ago he started to throw up for the first time, I think because we would feed him too much before going to bed. He is also starting to grab onto toys, and he likes to eat/suck on his hands sometimes gagging himself.
Posted by John
omg he is SO fing cute! I love 4 month old baby Owen, even if he does throw up now.